
The advantages of being
an influencer at Veelive.
Build Your Universe.


The advantages of being
an influencer at Veelive.
Build Your Universe.

Qualifications and Opportunities:

If you already run a successful social media account as an influencer, we offer you a unique opportunity to become a shareholder and receive starting from 250,000 shares for free!


Step 1


Register as an influencer on our platform.

Step 2

Account Integration

Demonstrate that you have more than 5,000 active followers on other social media platforms.

Step 3

Get Vitrual Space

Gain access to your virtual space, which can be integrated with your social media channels.

Step 4

Listing your MST Token

To create the MST Token, complete a form. Upon verification of the provided information, a smart contract is generated, and the shares are listed on the marketplace for purchase.

Step 5

Receive Shares

You can receive your share of the profits in real-time with each sale.

Step 6

Receive profits

% per sale

After completing these steps, you can earn a minimum of 50% per sale of each token.

Additional Benefits:

  • Influencers benefit from revenue generated by their entire follower base.
  • They receive a portion of recurring rental income.
  • Referring an influencer to Veelive brings a significant commission of 10% on all sales generated by those followers.

Influencer as a Stock Company.


% Building Shares


% Land Shares


% Rental Income

The profits are allocated to shareholders on an annual basis.
Additionally, referral links facilitate direct commission earnings, adding another layer to the economic model.

  • Direct Commission (Land, Building, Office, Stores): 10%Direct
  • Commission (Rent): 5% Commission on MST Stocks viaInfluencer
  • Recommendation: 10%



With the Referral link, the influencer offers followers the opportunity to purchase his shares and follow him in his own metaverse room.

The follower can interact with all avatars. He has the opportunity to invest in land or real estate and he can also buy shares from the influencer. The Veelive metaverse also offers many experiences and adventures.

Explanation of shares:

To calculate the value of a share, the company’s total turnover is added together, and the shares are also added together. The turnover is then divided by the shares to determine the value of one share. Depending on how many shares an individual owns, they will receive a portion of the company’s profit. This can be a lucrative investment opportunity if the company performs well and generates significant profits.